Memory loss after narcissistic abuse
You know that feeling that you’ve forgotten to lock the front door or switch the oven off? That feeling in your gut that you’ve forgotten something really important? When you’re in an abusive relationship with a partner or as part of a family dynamic then that is amplified. You have to be hypervigilant so you […]
Happy new year 2024 from Lisa at Brighter Beginnings Therapy
Happy New Year 2024 Wishing you a safe and peaceful start to 2024 from me, Lisa, at Brighter Beginnings Therapy. If 2023 saw you in survival mode just trying to get through each hour, day, week, and month in an emotionally abusive relationship then I wish you a safe and peaceful start to the new […]
5 things to remember heading into the New Year
5 things to remember as we head into the new year. The new year is traditionally the time we make New Year’s resolutions, a practice dating back to Babylonian times, apparently. Did you know that, according to ‘research’ (google) 23% of people quit their resolution by the end of the first week and 43% by […]
Narcissistic abusers ruin special occasions.
Many narcissistic abusers want to be the centre of attention, even the covert ones. They may not seem to be trying to draw attention to themselves, but they do so by ruining special occasions for others using tactics such as:   Start an argument on the morning of the special occasion so they can give […]
Flying monkeys
Have you heard the term flying monkeys when referring to narcissist behaviour? Flying monkeys were characters in The Wizard of Oz who did the bidding of the wicked Witch of the West. And narcissists surround themselves with people who do their bidding, hence the term flying monkeys. These are people who will do the bidding […]
What does change look like in therapy?
Starting counselling can be scary: fear of the unknown, wanting to change but being afraid of what that can look like. Change looks different in everyone, sometimes it can be a sudden whoosh of realisation, a lightbulb moment when something becomes clear and it causes a monumental shift in their thinking, their focus, their entire […]

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