What I learned from my summer vacation
I flew all the way to Greece to learn things about myself. I will eat Tzatziki with anything, even breakfast (dip your croissants in it and thank me later) My self-care was not as good as I thought I was before I left I need to find a better work-life balance The sound of gentle […]
Self care is so important
Having just had a week off over the Easter break I was doing some reflection on taking breaks from therapy work and the impact on myself and my clients. Some clients worry about breaks, some clients need crisis intervention support in place and some clients ask how their sessions impact on me and celebrate me […]
Healing takes time and courage.
It has been over 5 years since I managed to leave an abusive relationship which has left my family traumatised. Me, my now teenage son and even our dog. The humans have had a lot of therapy, the dog is beyond hope but still super cute. I won’t speak for my son or share his […]
Healing isn’t a one-and-done affair after abuse
Healing takes time, patience, forgiveness and at the right time for you. When clients ask me how long it will take for them to heal, I don’t have an answer for them, because everybody’s healing journey is different. Mine has taken 5 years so far and I am still healing, still discovering new things about […]
Hypervigilance after domestic violence.
What is hypervigilance and why is it a thing after abuse? Any kind of abuse is a trauma, and trauma leads to a plethora of symptoms, one of which is hypervigilance. This is described as an elevated state of constantly assessing potential threats around you. Hypervigilance can feel like constantly checking your surroundings to ensure […]
Let me tell you a story about shame
This story is about a 40-something woman who has spent years, more than a decade in fact, feeling deeply shamed about so many things because of domestic abuse. The 40-something woman is me, by the way, in case you were wondering. In the 5 years that I spent in my DV situation, I lied about […]

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