National stress awareness day UK
2 November is National Stress Awareness Day in the UK and I have shared some effective self-care tips on my social media accounts this morning: Brighter Beginnings Therapy on Facebook Brighter Beginnings Therapy on Instagram Self-care to reduce stress is great, helping relieve symptoms of stress but getting to the root cause of stress can […]
It takes, on average, 7 times to leave an abusive relationship for good.
This might sound like a crazy statistic, but the National Domestic Violence Helpline has collated data that shows people in abusive relationships take, on average, 7 times to leave for good. That means that some people do it in less than 7 attempts and some people (like me) do it in more attempts. Mine was […]
What is emotional abuse?
Emotional abuse is a pattern of behaviour in which the abuser humiliates, insults, and instils fear in an individual. Emotional abuse can take many forms, it is insidious in that it is not always obvious that it is happening to us, and it can be even harder to spot, and confront, in others. Also called […]
Journaling for self-awareness
One of the requirements for my Masters course in Integrative Counselling was to keep a reflective journal. And I hated it. Passionately. I couldn’t think of anything more uncomfortable than writing down my inner thoughts about how I was thinking and feeling on paper. I felt vulnerable and exposed, and it felt awfully self-indulgent. But, […]
Have you ever found yourself getting angry, and afterwards, you’re not sure where it came from? How about when your child runs out into the road? When someone cuts you up in the car on the way to work? Maybe that person stood too close to you in the queue at the supermarket? Perhaps when […]
Nemophilist. Noun. One who is fond of forests or forest scenery. I am a self-declared nemophilist. I love the sound of the breeze in the trees, the crunch of leaves and twigs underfoot, the sound of birds singing, and the smell of the earth (especially after rain, but that’s entirely another blog post). Being in […]

© Lisa Furnish

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