Happy new year 2024 from Lisa at Brighter Beginnings Therapy

Happy new year 2024 from Lisa at Brighter Beginnings Therapy trauma therapist Leeds West Yorkshire and online UK narcissistic abuse recovery

Happy New Year 2024

Wishing you a safe and peaceful start to 2024 from me, Lisa, at Brighter Beginnings Therapy.

If 2023 saw you in survival mode just trying to get through each hour, day, week, and month in an emotionally abusive relationship then I wish you a safe and peaceful start to the new year. If you are in or have left an abusive relationship then I wish this for you even more.

I hope that 2024 sees you finding yourself again, regaining your self-worth and feeling what it is to live and thrive despite the abuse of your past.

You CAN heal from trauma and abuse, I know because I have, and continue to work on my healing every day. You have survived 100% of your bad days, I hope this coming year that you find safety and peace in your life.

Sending you love and light at the start of this new year.

~ Lisa x

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