5 things to remember heading into the New Year

5 things to remember as we head into the new year.

The new year is traditionally the time we make New Year’s resolutions, a practice dating back to Babylonian times, apparently. Did you know that, according to ‘research’ (google) 23% of people quit their resolution by the end of the first week and 43% by the end of January?

So, 5 things to remember as we head into the new year:

  1. New Year’s resolutions, whilst they might feel empowering, are set by you, can be broken by you and only you are accountable. If you don’t want to set any, then don’t!
  2. If you do want to set some, you can make them as woolly as you like – “I am going to take small steps to stay safe this year” and “I am going to do more things I enjoy instead of people-pleasing as much” are perfectly viable resolutions and nobody gets to decide if you have succeeded or failed except for you.
  3. Instead of ‘I am going to be the best version of myself this year’, try for your favourite version instead. Accept that you are human, humans are messy and complicated but also resilient and great at adapting to change.
  4. Ask for help when you need it from trusted sources. If you feel stuck or unable to make things happen, talk to someone because saying things out loud can be empowering and provide clarity.
  5. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Keeping yourself physically, psychologically, emotionally, and socially safe are the most important things you can do for yourself. If you aren’t sure how to do those things, reach out for help from a trusted source.

If ‘all’ you did this year was survive, well done, you should be proud of yourself. Maybe next year give yourself the recognition you deserve for still being here throughout all the hard times. YOU ARE ENOUGH, you do not need a list of New Year’s resolutions to beat yourself up over. Kindness to yourself always, self-care is paramount, let 2024 be the year that you feel your own worth, not judge yourself against the expectations of others.

~ Lisa

© Lisa Furnish

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