What does change look like in therapy?

Starting counselling can be scary: fear of the unknown, wanting to change but being afraid of what that can look like.

Change looks different in everyone, sometimes it can be a sudden whoosh of realisation, a lightbulb moment when something becomes clear and it causes a monumental shift in their thinking, their focus, their entire way of being. But more often than not it is a gradual change that clients cannot always see.

When clients ask me when they will feel better I ask them to think back to when we first started our sessions together and compare their feelings at the start to where they are now. I highlight the changes I have seen and reflect them back, because often I see a huge change in my clients that they are unable to recognise in themselves.

Change can look like:

  • Putting in boundaries with friends, families, partners, or children
  • Using coping strategies for dealing with anxiety
  • Using techniques learned in sessions to alter negative thoughts
  • Recognising their relationships as abusive and putting plans in place
  • Feeling a sense of gradual lessening of previously crippling symptoms of poor mental health
  • All of the above
  • None of the above, sometimes the change is very specific and I won’t break confidentiality to share those

If you are having counselling and can’t see the change, speak to your therapist, ask them what changes, if any, they have noticed. Ask yourself what you would like to change and put a plan in place to take small steps to bring about that change.

If you want change and would like to speak to me about what that can look like, get in touch to arrange a free discovery call, start your change today and look forward to your brighter beginning.

~ Lisa

© Lisa Furnish

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