Letting out the anger, in a controlled and safe way

My teenage son had a voucher for a rage room experience for Christmas last year and I was secretly thinking "pick me, pick me, pick me" when it said he had to be accompanied by an adult. Luckily he did pick me (hurrah) and we made the 230 mile round trip today.

I know that anger is often seen as a 'bad' emotion but we can't regulate an emotion we don't allow ourselves to feel. I do not advocate violence in any way, but cathartic, controlled and safe release of pent-up emotion? Why not?!

The experience was thoroughly enjoyable, we donned safety gear, listened to the in-depth safety briefing and were monitored (and encouraged) throughout by a wonderful staff member as we smashed our way through printers, monitors and glass bottles which were otherwise destined for landfill. We got a full body workout, some bonding time on the (very long) journey there and back and we released pent-up anger at the same time.

Anger is a secondary emotion so allowing ourselves to feel the anger in a safe way brought about a wonderful feeling of relief. Years of frustration, feelings of helplessness and powerlessness, knowing that we will never get the closure we need from our abuser, all came out in a cathartic and safe experience. We talked about our feelings on the way home and discussed the benefits of feeling big emotions in a safe way. It really helped that the staff member used a trauma-informed approach to ensure that their shouts of encouragement would not upset us in any way really helped.

I swear, I'm not on commission, but check out the Trapp'd rage room in Corby if you feel like this might be of some benefit or just for a bit of cathartic fun in a safe way.

And if feelings of anger are too big for you to manage in your daily life then reach out to see how counselling can help uncover the primary emotions and triggers underneath that can be explored and processed for a healthier approach to big emotions.

Remember, to regulate an emotion, you have to allow yourself to feel it in a safe way. Counselling can help you with that. I can help you with that.

I can't promise you closure after a trauma or abuse but I can offer to be alongside you as you discover the healing power of allowing yourself to feel, and regulate, these big emotions.

~ Lisa

© Lisa Furnish

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